Reopening Solutions For Water Parks

In response to the new COVID-19 guidelines, we have created easy to implement solutions designed to manage some of the new challenges that water parks will face when open to the public once again.

The complete Vantage offering helps parks create exceptional guest experiences and superior operational efficiency using smart wrist bands, readers, and guest and staff user interfaces.

Now, by collaborating with the experts at WhiteWater, and based on the reopening guidance outlined by IAAPA, as well as the considerations for water playgrounds outlined by the CDC, we have created three pared down options that will aid water parks in adhering to new physical distancing requirements and help to build guest confidence.

Density Management

Vantage’s Density Management solutions allow you to safely welcome guests back to your park by ensuring that you adhere to industry, government, and your own, physical distancing guidelines. We offer 3 solutions that address the density management requirements for your entire park, defined areas within your park, and queue lines for attractions.

Our density management solutions are simple and straightforward services—you provide disposable RFID or barcode wrist bands to your guests and we provide the software, tablets, and know-how to make it happen.

  1. Real-time Park Attendance

Control your park’s overall guest density with Real-Time Park Attendance. When guests reach your park’s gates, their wrist bands are scanned in with Vantage tablets and scanned again when they leave, showing you real-time park attendance.

  1. Area Density Control

Staff positioned at control points of entry for defined zones within your park scan guest wrist bands with Vantage tablets when they enter and exit an area. Guest counts are displayed in real-time, enabling you to stay within prescribed capacities per zone.

  1. Virtual Queue

Safely manage your queue length in real-time, with Virtual Queue. Using Vantage’s mobile tablets, staff scan guest wrist bands as they enter a queue line and scan them once again as they “exit” at dispatch.

The number of people in line are displayed in real-time on a tablet. Once the allowable maximum number of people in line is reached, approaching guests are scanned and given a time to come back, reserving their wrist band a spot in the virtual queue, and minimizing crowds at the attraction’s entrance.

First Solution
  • (includes server configuration)
Each Additional Solution
  • (Density Management solutions only)
$525USD each
  • (Wi-Fi option)

*Pricing for North America only. Please contact us for pricing outside of North America. Tablet price subject to change without notice, based on availability.

What’s included:

  • Software subscription (until Dec 31, 2020*)
  • Training of one onsite staff member
  • Access to online training portal
  • 40 hours of support

What’s required:

  • Reliable, dedicated Wi-Fi network coverage throughout your park
  • Park supplied RFID or barcode wrist bands

*Optional software subscription extension is available for 2021, please contact us for details.

Digital Waiver Management

Vantage’s Digital Waiver Management solution allows you to quickly and simply capture a guest’s digital waiver either onsite or online using their email signature as their unique identifier, eliminating the need for paper records.

Using an online Vantage wavier page and/or a Vantage tablet, guests complete a digital waiver that is saved per guest or per guest family unit. Waivers completed online can be confirmed at the park with the guest’s email address via a tablet.

Online Portal
  • (includes server configuration and searchable storage)
$525USD each
  • (Wi-Fi option)

*Pricing for North America only. Please contact us for pricing outside of North America. Tablet price subject to change without notice, based on availability.

What’s included:

  • Software subscription (until Dec 31, 2020*)
  • Training of one onsite staff member
  • Access to online training portal
  • 40 hours of support

What’s required:

  • Reliable, dedicated Wi-Fi network coverage at park entrances/exits
  • Waiver text supplied by park
  • Integration of portal address into reservation or e-ticketing page

*Optional software subscription extension is available for 2021, please contact us for details.

Water Quality Display

As part of an overall guest communication strategy within a water park, Vantage’s Water Quality Display allows an operator to display water quality values on digital screens throughout their venue.

Using Vantage’s display engine and an input portal or automated integration, you can easily communicate with your guests that your water quality is within safe parameters, helping to instill confidence.

Display Engine
$11,500 USD
  • (includes input portal)
Display Controller
Automated Integration
$10,000USD each

*Pricing for North America only. Please contact us for pricing outside of North America.

What’s included:

  • Software subscription (until Dec 31, 2020*)
  • Training of one onsite staff member
  • Access to online training portal
  • 40 hours of support

What’s required:

  • Reliable, dedicated Wi-Fi network coverage throughout your park
  • Digital displays
  • Licensing requirements if integration option is chosen

*Optional software subscription extension is available for 2021, please contact us for details.
