Creating a Safer Park Environment with the Right Digital Tools

Safety. It’s a lot of behind-the-scenes work that your guests do not see. From regular ride maintenance to pool chemical tracking and fire code-regulated capacity limits, it is a vital and demanding element of managing a park.

What if there are tools to not only automate your park’s safety protocol but make your operating environment even safer?

The technology is already here and now. Let’s take a look at some tools that can make safety in your park easier to manage.

Paper can make things messy.

Digital Record-Keeping

Safety starts with good record-keeping, and paper methods are being phased out. Why? With digital records, you are able to see within seconds the who, what, where, when, and how related to every maintenance activity, every inspection performed, etc. The data is easily searchable and can be presented in graphs where you can see trends, for example, as they relate to filtration rates, pool chemistry, or pump flow rate. This also comes in handy if you ever need to prove your good record.

Integrated Digital Waivers

Instead of stacks of paper, you can have your guests sign digital waivers for themselves and their minors, all linked to the activities they have booked. These records too, are easily searchable should the need arise. To improve safety, guests can even sign and submit these before arriving at the park so they have time to carefully read the waivers and evaluate the risks associated with the activities.

Digital waivers and record-keeping can help with park safety and reduce risk.

Automation is your friend.

Automated Alerts for Ride Maintenance and Chemical Levels

Always stay proactive by setting parameters for automatic alerts, such as for chemical levels or for ride maintenance by usage, which is more indicative of wear and tear than a set schedule. Bonus: with automatic alerts, you can free up the two staff members who are manually checking the chlorine.

Access Control

Do your ride operators sometimes subjectively eye the height of children to let them on rides? Do you face confused parents who think their kids should be allowed on certain attractions? With height and weight linked to RFID wristbands as guests tap into rides, the access control function can deny children who are too short or too light. The system makes sure that everyone on a ride can safely do so in terms of stature, and takes the pressure off of young staff having to turn down guests and receiving backlash.

Smart Dispatch System

In addition to the classic red light/green light system, with photo eyes and sensors, you know who and where they are in the ride to avoid collisions in case someone is stuck.

Stay proactive with automated maintenance alerts, access control for guests, children, and staff, and real-time water quality data.

Know more so you can do more with sensors and data.

Find Your Friends (or Children)

Bring safety and peace of mind, especially to parents. With an RFID wristband and sensors around the park, they know they can always find their children. And besides, looking for family and friends all over the place is a complete time waster—who hasn’t experienced that?

Guest to Staff Ratio

With real-time location services, you will know if you have enough staff on alert to help the number of guests with whatever situations the day might bring. You can then delegate staff from quiet areas to busy areas.

Real-Time Attendance

With this function, you will know exactly how many people came into your park and how many people left. Knowing how close you are to capacity is important as it relates to fire and crowd safety, not to mention good health practice as we’ve seen in the last few years.

Guests can take advantage of location services to find their children and friends, and operators have the ability to track live attendance with real-time analytics.

Well, there you have it. Digital tools can make a world of difference in keeping your guests safer, your risks lower, and the grunt work of it all easier. What’s more, human error poses a very real problem when it comes to park safety, and these techniques offer the solution.

Vantage provides tools that can make your park’s environment safer and at the same time, reduce the amount of behind-the-scenes work associated with it. Contact our team to learn how Vantage can help improve safety at your park.

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